We all use Discord… like, all the time. We all have people from everywhere around the world in servers with us. Now, imagine you want to tell someone about an event going on at 3PM. What do you do? You say “Its starting at 3PM.” Seems okay right? Well, not quite… time zones can be quite tricky to remember and know what time it is where everyone lives!
Okay, so you know the problem…. well how do we fix it? We can use something called Date/Time Formatting Tokens (I’m honestly not even sure if this is the official name for them! Comment if you know the real name please!), but I have lovingly dubbed these tokens “Discord Magic Time”
Now, you might be thinking to yourself, “Corey, that’s great and all, but how do I use this?” The answer is simple-ish… You put this little tag-thing in your Discord message
That seems simple enough right… but, how exactly do you get these numbers? This is a Unix Timestamp (mostly). Normally, there isn’t exactly an easy way to get this, for most people.
Well, as it happens, I made a simple website to generate these timestamps for you! It is really simple to use. You just click here and then you just have 3 items to fill out:
Date and time of the event.
Timezone of the event.
The format of the time you want to show.
Once you have selected your options, you will see a notification that the timestamp was copied to your clipboard
Paste that into your Discord message and that’s it! Now users in all timezones will see a time and date relative to their own timezone!
Was this helpful? Let me know in the comments if you want to see more like this or something else.
Footnote: This is not a 100% original idea that I came up with on my own. I did execute it and create the code myself, but I was inspired by DJDavid98’s awesome site. It does the same thing, but honestly a bit better looking and more functional. Check it out here